- School libraries are no longer the quiet dusty rooms where students sit at heavy wooden tables and read silently. We’re using modern technology and teaching strategies – now we need to update our spaces to match. During this three-week course, attendees will get ideas and inspiration for transforming the physical space of their libraries to make them innovative, student-friendly learning environments. Learn how to apply educational design theory to renovate your library no matter what your budget is. Learn strategies for changing up your space that you can apply immediately.
- This four-week, self-paced online Twitter course will help you come up to speed on using Twitter effectively as part of your personal learning network, for school library advocacy, and for promotion. It is designed to help attendees become active tweeters during AASL and ALA events - and beyond! The course is open to AASL members who have never used Twitter or who feel like a novice taking advantage of it for learning, networking, and advocacy.